Sonnets again!


July 25, 2018

.Dear patron:
I’m excited for a dream that follows me everywhere and I don’t want to leave it, although unfavorable circumstances appear on my way. I think if you have a dream, you should not just keep it or express it whenever you can, but fulfill it. So today, I am going to express to you in a few words some ideas and projects that I would like to make with your support and trust.
Literature is the art that I love a lot, especially poetry. I want to do a vast composition of poetry for continuing and following, in a singular way, some classic forms and expressions, which have been forgotten or which are not appreciated so much in modernity, without leaving aside the ingenuity and originality of my poems, distributed in the following structures: sonnets (first), romances, madrigals, silvas, decimas, epigrams, etc. I also wish to create and promote other works like literary letters, tautograms, micro-stories and acrostics.
I also plan to write a new rhetoric and poetics book, in which I expose most of my ideas, observations and research about art of poetry, both in contents and in form, with several examples and resources for that poets can implement in their compositions. Likewise, I commit myself to encourage knowledge about literature and classic poetry to young people, through classes and workshops that I will give personally in some institutions or schools, anywhere in the world.
I would like to have a complete web page about literature, with unpublished and unique publications, useful for literary and poetic wisdom. I currently have a blog (, in which I keep some of my compositions, as well as unique and own posts, which are visited by many people around the world. Some publications are enough popular and also are among the first positions in Internet search engines: “cómo hacer un soneto”, “sonetos inéditos de amor y desamor”, “origen e historia del soneto”, “tautogramas”, etc. (You can check that if you write, either in Spanish or in Portuguese, in any internet search engine the following: hacer un soneto, cómo se hace un soneto, cómo crear un soneto, pasos para hacer un soneto, sonetos de amor y desamor, la historia del soneto, el tautograma, como faço um soneto, como se faz um soneto, criar ou fazer um soneto, etc.)
I still have more projects and ideas, which I will aspire to make according to the help I receive and the patrons supporters. I would like so much that you to want to be a patron of everything I can realize with my dream, which divide into others dreams at the same time. I couldn’t only give you a mention in my achievements, but also making compositions especially for you, as well as I can offer to you literary creation services, style correction, orthography and composition, writing articles, chronicles, Spanish and Portuguese classes, or grammar or rhetoric classes, etc., in exchange for your help.
I would like, in truth, to renew the expression in literature, the emotion and feeling in poetry. I really believe that I can achieve some things with my dreams and illusions, although I to be alone, but I would do everything easily and quickly if there are people who support me and are by my side while I walk towards the fulfillment of my goals.
Finally, I look for patrons or sponsors, be writers, be institutions or people, etc., who can and want to accompany me in these projects, social programs and volunteering in education and literary creation for young people, among other things that I would do with joy and pleasure, although I don’t have enough economic resources to do it alone. Then I hope to find sponsors, even one or two, who truly and honestly support me, and they let me show them what I can achieve.
I speak Spanish and Portuguese, so I want to do my projects and artistic enterprise in both languages, although I also wish to do them in English and French, languages ​​that I know a little, or I would do everything in another language that I learn, according to my sponsors.
You could help me through Patreon, a scholarship, a job in language or literature, or by any means which you could.
My name is Osfelip Bazant, and I am over 20 years old. I started writing since I was fifteen years old, although I before had a lot of pleasure for poetry and literary creation. If you want to know more information about me or about some issues related to my projects, you can talk with me.
Perhaps, my English is not so good, but I tried. I will learn very well English for my patrons in this language.
Thank you very much for reading this letter,

Osfelip Bazant


Read in Spanish.
Read in Portuguese.
Read in French.


Project of cuentaunsoneto of Osfelip, Classical sonnets, sonnets of cuentaunsoneto of Osfelip, the classicism, the poetry in the classicism and Renaissance, poems and sonnets. Make a classic sonnet, sonnets of classicism and love.


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